This little space I'm giving is to talk about what's going on today. I don't know how to start the topic so I'm going to do this...

The coronavirus is causing me terror, in fact, I recently spoke to a friend of this and she just said, "we're going to die anyway, why are you worried?" I just responded by saying that I had dreams and goals and that I hadn't even made one of them come true that's why I want to live. I want to live, I want to live, I want to live!! screams my mind at every place I go.

By the way, I know I'm talking a lot about me (I think this is more or less about to vent) but tell me, how do you feel?

Other friends ask me how to do you feel? And I only respond I feel normal like any more day, but that's a lie I want to stay positive but I can't (I feel like I'm going to cry) I feel bad, I feel so bad.

You will see being at home is not a problem for me, but the fact that I can die slowly and never achieve everything I wanted to do; my goals, my dreams are all going to go to oblivion.

The problems that have happened with the attack on the White House, the third world war and finally the virus that showed us a reality that the human did not expect covid-19. These problems cause me terror, I feel that I will die at any moment, even I who have never believed in power the church began to pray for human life asking God not to free us from this punishment.

I just want to live and keep living until I decide it's my time to die.

If you don't mind, I'm going to tell you a self-reflection that I've done these last few days and that's that "we believed the strong steel, but we turned out like the weak crystal next to a hammer that is the coronavirus."

Today there is a lot of news that it is the end of the world and that we are all going to die and may or may not be right (I want and hope very eagerly that it is the second option). I'm going to tell you something very personal, I think I lost faith in humanity at some point in this quarantine, but for every case of covid that's diagnosed healthy that's already healthy makes me believe that we might have a chance.


Well, I think that would be all forgiveness for taking your time to read this ridiculous relief.

I love you and I hope we survive this.

