What do you think? When I talk about a green cat, probably you would think that is a joke, but is real, a GREEN CAT appears in Bulgaria and this is the truth ( according some information sources).

This unusual event aroused curiosity and amazement in the people, who thought it was a cruel joke. therefore they decided o create a facebook post to report this happening and indentify the autor of this prank, but it was a waste of time.

Other people thought it was a genetic mutuation or an alien experiment. 

But the reality was different, it was simple the cat has the habit of sleep on a powder paint can (green) in a deserted garage. That habit not only caused the colorgreen of the cat it also provoke the color to be more intense.

At the moment, they are traying to capture it to give him a good bath.

Desvelado el misterio del gato verde de Bulgaria
The green cat.

Did you know that there are people who stain their cats and other pets? It could be bad for the animals son please don't do it. 😿

What do you think about this? Are you agree to stain your pet of a different color like blue?

Thank you so munch to read this article. And the other one (well it wasn't and article and I only wrote 2 lines and post a video 😸😅). 

See you in a week. 😺😺😺

(2014). El misterioso gato verde que asombró a una ciudad de Bulgaria (The mysterious green cat that amazement a town of Bulgaria). ABC.
