What happens when you use the computer or cell phone for a long time?


One of the main problems that arise from spending so much time in front of your cell phone, tablet, laptop or television, is related to your eyesight. Factors such as the light that these devices emit, as well as the effort of your eyes to focus on the objects that you are constantly visualizing (according to research, we spend approximately 400 minutes a day in front of a screen), progressively damage your eyes, specifically your retina, It is in charge of receiving the images and sending them to your brain through the optic nerves.

When you are in front of a screen for a long time, you blink less than when you do other types of activities. Also, your eyesight is focused on one point for a long time. These two factors tire the eye muscles, dry your eyes and create a general feeling of exhaustion. To avoid all this, it is essential that the monitor is at eye level and that you run your eyes from it and look at a farther object. In this way, you will readjust your sight.

When we are sitting, not everyone has a good posture. You may not notice any discomfort at first, but they will start to appear over time and it will be very difficult to end them so pay attention to your posture, keep your spine straight all the time.

Using the cell phone before go to sleep activates several receptors that make our brain think that it is still daytime and that we can stay awake longer. Mental health and sleep are linked. Sleeping bad or sleeping poorly can cause depression and physical problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

Now you know many of the consequences of using these devices so i think that we have to mederate their use. Also because this is our new learning tool

By: Gelatinadannyyyy
