Hello, my dears! Did you miss me? This time i bring you a new thread which took me two weeks to have complete information. This time i will explain you what are the backrooms. This is such an amazing and mysterious topic, so i hope you enjoy it. :)

The concept of "The backrooms" appeared when an anonymous user commented on a photo of 4chan which was part of a thread about disturbing places. This user explains how there truly is a flaw in reality, you may end up in the backrooms, which consist of over 6 million square miles, with upholstered walls with the same color which is usually yellow, annoying noise from lights and wet carpet, without mentioning the entities that inhabit there. (spooky).

Maybe you can recognize the images, there is already many people who have claimed have memories of this, although they don´t remember having been there at a specific time. Either because of a dream or an inexplicable memory, there is a lot of people who confirm the existence of this. 

This places is divided into 3 levels (and more for discover). The level 0 is where the people use to wake up, if you wake up here, keep calm and walk through the maze of yellow walls, it is unlikely to find any monster or creature there, this level it´s not too much dangerous.

If for some reason you see something there, quickly turn around and continue walking, ¡steady, please!, don´t look back. There are many exit points, but there is a little chance of returning to your reality by there, if you are lucky you will leave only to enter again to the same level (0).

If you don´t get into the same level, you will enter into level 1, this level can be reached by an exit or by walking for a LONG time, the change between the two levels isn´t to different, but the walls started to have fungus, the roofs look wet, the shabby carpet and the lights constantly fail. 


It´s very common that the lights get off for a few minutes or maybe a few hours. The difficulty of the level increases, this is because this is where the entities or the creatures started to appear, from furless dogs to humanoid figures, here yo must run, and DON´T LOOK BACK!

Seems to be bad, have to find safe places to sleep, constantly escaping from monsters and screams echoing off the walls, ad be exposed to darkness four hours, but it doesn´t compare with the next level, which you can get by the same way.

The Level 2 is the most dangerous currently explored, it consists of a maze of endless runners, if your are claustrophobic, this is not for you. The concrete corridors are aligned by infinite pipes, in there inhabit another type of monsters. The temperature constantly changes into the corridors, if the temperature increases without signs of decreasing, return and take another way. If you see an entity with human characteristics, return and run to another way. Remember that in total there are 6 million square miles, it´s almost impossible to see another human survivor, as much as it seems, it isn´t, they are terribly hostile and the will attack at the moment you interfere their path. 

As if being pursued and claustrophobia weren´t enough to make yo feel crazy, the constant sound of pipes and the machinery that runs along the walls probably is, never ceasing, never. 

Finally this is the last level officially explored, although some information can be found about levels 3 to 7. Some are less dangerous, others are in total darkness, and others are flooded with knee-deep water or even more higher. 

A lot of videogames has been created inspired in this concept, but being just a concept, a creepypasta, or an attempt to scare people, it is impressive the number of people who remember having been in the backrooms or dreaming of them, without knowing of their existence. 
