Hello to everyone who's reading this post :)

Well, I'm going to share with you something great that just happenend this week in my life.
Everything starts two weeks ago when my father told me "I read that the last part of this week and until April the 30 we will be able to see a shower of stars" (something that I found out awesome because I consider my second favorite activity to watch the stars) so I had been going to my rooftop every night, even if I was tired or even if it was 1:30 am I was there waiting, thinking about different things and just watching them shine in the sky so splendid and shining but also so far away.

However, I couldn't see ANYTHING, why? well unfortunately there was always a lot of giant clouds  or even fog so I just been watching 4 stars (sometimes 6 or even 8) but the point is that it was incredibly difficult.
Those days I had been also questioning myself and destiny about what I am, what I want, what I'll be, if I am really capable or talented enough to accomplish all my dreams and goals or if I am only wasting my time.

The night of April 29 I wet up to the roof as usual and started to sing and to pet Bubble (my dog) and in a moment my father at the door applauded me (as it seems he was watching me on my tragical musical and I hadn't noticed) so I looked where he was standing and it that precious and ineffable moment I saw it. I saw a shooting star! It was the first I have seen in my entire life (it doesn't matter that I am only 15) and it was one of the best moments of my life and it wasn't only because I had always wanted to see a shooting star but because I had been asking for a sign. I guess that sounds a little dramatic but it's the truth (at least it is for me).

If you're thinking that's the end of the story, you're wrong.

After some minuts talking with my dad I saw something more. At first I thought that it was an UFO :v and I told my dad but when he saw it he told me that it was not an UFO, it was a barn owl :D and even when I was excited becaouse of the UFO, to see a barn owl made that night more magical that it already was.

The next day (Children's day) was awesone even though we couldn't go out (for obvious reasons) and at night I went back again to the roof so maybe I could see another shooting star or the normal ones
This is a photo from the internet but
is the most similar to what I saw.
but instead I saw again that barn owl but this time she (or he) was closer, the close enough to see her/his face (that's how I knew that it's a barn owl and not an owl) and it was something marvelous.

Okay, I don't know if I am exaggerating because it was the first time I saw the barn owl and a shooting star or maybe you have seen it too and you know about the magic I'm trying to express.
Maybe I wrote a lot and you may think that I could have just write it in two paragraphs or less but my final point is that the lesson I learnt this week is that you just gotta keep on believing in two things:
  • In yourself and on what you wanna do, on the dreams you know you have been loving and believing in for years. Last week I made the mistake of doubt of myself and what I know I'll be so don't you commit the same fault.
  • In magic. I know that a shooting star not necessarily means that a wish will come true or that star is magical but that wasn't what I wanted to express, what I am saying is that the magic is ON YOU and EVERYWHERE, we just gotta learn how to identify it. Note: when I say magic is everywhere, I am not refering just to fairies or leprechauns, no. Magic is not only that. 

Well, if you read the completely story I thank you and I hope you have understood everything I'm talking about, also I hope you have like the story.

Remember to stay home and take care of everyone you love (so you must take selfcare too), don't let your life be a cemetery of buried hopes and never give up on life :).

Finally, a favour that I would thank you forever: 
Please enter to this link and sign the petition to renew an awsome and beautiful serie that if you haven't seen yet you should do it RIGHT NOW, you should give a chance to "Anne with an E" on Netflix. Howevwer, even if you don't want to watch it, please sign the link, it's a safe place. 
Here are some of the million of reasons you
should watch Anne with an E and why it should be renewed.

 This is the link, please search it on google, sign and share if it's possible.

Have a great week and listen to Dua Lipa Future Nostalgia album (that is completly great) and also listen to Shawn Mendes's perfect voice.

Sincerely, Sil Gues. :) 


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