Mysterious facts about Denver Airport

In this blog I´m going to write about a mysterious airport in Denver maybe you are wondering why this airport is mysterious. Well next I´ll give you some creepy facts.
Something interesant is i´ts magnitus is almost the size of Manhatttan, it has 133 boarding ports.
In 1989 the mayor of Denver was asked for a budget of 60 million dollars, at the beggining it was tought that it would be finished in 1993 but until February 1995 it was finished this bothered Denver residents and actually cost 5200 million dollars much more than the original budget. Different construction companies were hired and each one worked in a specific area.
People searched the airport on Google Maps to see it from above and related its shape to a Nazi swastika afterwards an interview was made to one of the representatives of the airport construction and she said they tought it looks more like a windmill and it´s never been talked about again.
There is a sculpture of a blue horse with red eyes called by the habitants Blucifer it was built in 1990 it is 10 meters high it was made by an artist called Luis Jimenez while he was building it one of the 9000 thousand pound head pieces fell off on his leg and affected a fundamental artery which caused his death so his friend and family ended up Blucifer and for this fact it is tought that this figure is cursed in fact Denver residents never agreed to put this sculpture at the airport, this horse is also related with the fourth horse of the apocalypse of the Bible.
Leo Tanguma was a painter who made 4 paintings for the airport the strangest thing is that this paintings show figures related with dead and the Second World War.
There is a commemorative plaque it says "March 19 1994 this is a time capsule containing messages  for the people of Colorado on 2094 . The New World Airport Commission helped the construction and financing of this building"and it has the symbol of the group of freemasons. Many people began to add the numbers written on the plaque they give a total of 33 the maximum rank of Freemasonry. The other fact is thst the New World Airport Comission doesn´t exist it´s believed that there is an iluminati organization behind the construction of this airport.
And finally there are things written on the floor that don´t make much sense between them. The most relevant theory is that there is a secret bunker for an apocalypse.
