JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood: Recap (Part 2)

I know I should have summarized the whole first part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in just one entry, but these are my entries so I decide to split up the first part and, if you wanna check everything in just one entry use (Spoilers) [D4C] interdimensional jump power to go to another dimension where I have decided to complete my entries instead of being a lazy writer. (Yeah, I love Steel Ball Run) And for issues of time and lazyness, we will have 3 parts of Phantom Blood. Also, ever part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Por quĂ© no me gustan los Jojos? O al menos no Phantom Blood…
Well, lets return to the main story: JoJo was looking for the poison Dio used in his father, and then he arrives to Ogre Street. JoJo gets distracted because he saw a brutal murdering of a little puppy by a cat, and then, 3 burglars appear. One of them was a master of kenpo, other was called "Tattoo", and the las but not least... Robert E.O. Speedwagon! This last guy has a pretty cool technique which consists of a sewed hat that Speedwagon can manipulate. The group goes and attacks JoJo, but JoJo, even when hurt because of Speedwagon's hat, is able to knock them off because his determination was just too big. Speedwagon could know if people were good or bad, and he realized JoJo was a gentelman with good ideals, so he decided to join JoJo's search and guided him to the place where Dio bought the poison and he didn't allowed any of the other people in the Ogre Street. He then travels back to his house with the poison seller and their victory over the evil Dio seems imminent.

However, Dio was already planning how to disrupt JoJo's plan, and he had an idea: He wanted to use the stone mask to torture JoJo, but before he actually used it on JoJo, he tried it in some drunk mans in the street. He fought one and killed him, whereas with the second mask he used the stone mask, and the drunk immediatly fell to the ground... However, he awakaned a deeper power; he became a vampire! He then jumped towards Dio and fought him. Dio was cornered due to the incredible strenght of the vampire and it seemed Dio was going to dio because the vampire was sucking his blood, but then, the Sun rised, and immediatly disintegrated the vampire. Dio realizes it and then returns to the Joestar Mansion... But when Dio arrived, JoJo had already done the same and confronted Dio, but JoJo fell for the act Dio did that seemed that he felt guilty. Speedwagon was able to look trough his deceive, rearking Dio was the most evil person Speedwagon had ever met. Then the police arrived willing to arrest Dio.

Dio asked JoJo to be him the one who put him the handcuffs, but this was also a trap to stab JoJo, but his ill father, George Joestar, received the stab for his son... With blood in his hands, Dio puts his mask and activates it's power. As quickly as he does this, the police shoots Dio's body and he goes of flying trough a window... JoJo is devastated, but everything turns from sad to frightening when they realize Dio's body isn't there. Then he starts to kill everyone turning them into zombie slaves. Even Speedwagon is scared because a bullet in his head means nothing to this powerful being. JoJo takes a spear and tries to kill the zombies, and he succeded, but when facing Dio, he can't withstand Dio's strenght. JoJo decides to settle the Joestar Mansion on fire as last resource to kill Dio. Speedwagon goes outside and then JoJo and Dio have a brutal fight while everything is burning down.

They fall from a high place and then start fighting. JoJo's will is to burn with Dio, but Dio's strenhgt allows him to stand in the wall and send JoJo to the flames. JoJo then demosntrates an inhuman force to reach Dio again with a piece of the spear and his belt. He then makes Dio to fall in a statue of the godess of love, which impales Dio's body and leaves it there to burn. Then JoJo manages to get out of the Mansion and an excited Speedwagon receives him there to shout his victory... Or that's what everyone thought because Dio had survived and escaped the Mansion turning the poisin vendor into a zombie.

Then JoJo reecnounters Erina, which treats his injuries and continue their relationship. They decided to take a walk, but then a guy with a strange hat hit JoJo with his Pinky, but he actually cured his injuries. The man presented himself as William Anthonio Zeppeli and he also told JoJo he was a master at a artial art called "Hamon". This martial art, trough a controled breathing, can create energy waves in the blood torrent that are similar to the sun waves and extend from his blood to the rest of the user's body or to other objects in contact with the user. Will tells JoJo Dio survived and he will help him to kill Dio, so he starts teaching JoJo Hamon.

There's been a while since JoJo had started training and then Speedwagon informs our hero that there have been some disappearances in a nearby town, so they decide to investigate there. They then arrive and a kid named Pocco stole they something I don't exactly remember and our heroes start chasing him using Hamon to be Jesus - walk in the water - and they realize he was hypnotized and drove them directly where Dio was. There Dio treatens to suck out everyone of our heroes - suck out of blood, not something else - and Zeppeli attacks him, but Dio vaporizes Zeppeli's fluids causing Zeppeli's body to drop his temperature. JoJo then goes to help his teacher and Speedwagon defrezees Zeppeli. Dio then revives ancient warriors, two, called Bruford and Tarkus. Then starts this fight again!

I'mma leave it over here for this entry because next one is actually the end of Phantom Blood and so you don't get exhausted of reading all this weirdness. XD
