JoJo Phantom Blood: Recap (Part 1)

I don´t exactly know why, but I started watching JoJo´s Bizarre Adventure but I hadn´t finished the animated version, so when everyone was sent to their houses, I was able to finish from the 1st part ("Phantom Blood") to the 5th part ("Vento Aureo" or "Golden Wind") and I even read the manga, which has part 6 ("Stone Ocean"), part 7 ("Steel Ball Run") and the last part to the moment ("JoJolion"), but that is for another entry.

Well, as you may have read in the title, today we will recap the most important happenings of JoJo part 1.

The history starts in London, around 1868. There was an accident with the Joestar family, conformed by: George Joestar, the father; Mary Joestar, the mother and Jonathan Joestar, the baby; the horse of their carriage happened to slip off of a cliff.  Mary died, but Jonathan survived.

A man saw the scene and immediatly went downwards, this man was called Dario Brando, and he was a burglar. He wanted to steal the valuable objects. While he was searching for goods to steal, he saw a stone mask, but he immediatly saw no value in it. However, there was a problem; George Joestar was still alive. Dario tried to steal George´s ring, and George suddenly awoke. Dario was like: "OHFUCK", but George took the situation as if Dario had saved his life, so he offered anything to thank Dario´s "kindness".

Twelve years later, Jonathan grew up as a wealthy and healthy young man. He had grown in a protective and caring environment, so he developed ideals of chivalry. He also got the nickname of "JoJo". Meanwhile, Dario reveals he also had a son: Dio Brando. Dario wasn´t a good father; he was an alcoholic and an abussive towards Dio, who developed hate for everyone. Dario then asked Dio to fulfill his last will and take advantage of the proposal made 12 years earlier by George, and so he did. Dio wanted to become the most billionaire and eccentric bad-ass character.

Dio went to the Joestar´s mansion and he was well received there by George, but JoJo was shocked; JoJo had a dog called Danny, and the first thing Dio did at arriving at the mansion was to brutally hit Danny with his knee. Dio considered JoJo was just a spoiled kiddo, so he just decided he would surpass him and beat the shit out of him. JoJo wasn´t expecting this, so he immeadiatly went out in defense of Danny, but George showed up and stopped them before they could fight.

JoJo tried to have a brother relationship with Dio, but Dio humiliated him in every way. JoJo had met a girl before: Erina Pendleton. He had tried to save her of some bullies, but they left his ass open and they left, but he gained Erina´s hearth. Eventually, JoJo and Erina went to a relationship, but everytime Dio sees JoJo is happy, he suffers an anal stinging so hard he cannot withstand it, and after beating up JoJo in a box match, Dio kisses Erina. She was broken because seh wanted to kiss JoJo, not the blondy-bad-ass guy. JoJo then discovers what Dio did and Dio gets beaten up and left crying. Dio had a razor with him, and he wanted to kill JoJo with it, but George stopped the fight again, and said te culprit was his own son. Some of the blood of Dio landed in the stone mask and then some kind of quills went out of it. No one gives more importance to it.

Dio, who wants revenge, puts Danny into a box, then, SETTLES THE FUCKING BOX ON FIRE! What kind of psychopath you have to be to do this to an animal JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT HURTED WHEN YOU DESERVED IT?! (Let´s take it easy)... Ah... Then JoJo, as it couldn´t have been otherwise, spends that night crying due to Danny´s death...

Eight years have passed since then, and the brothers seem to have surpassed their anger, and they have even graduated: JoJo as an archeologist and Dio as a lawyer, but George falls ill, and JoJo realizes Dio had poisioned him, and so JoJo will go to one of the most dangerous neighbourhoods in London to seek for his father´s antidote, because he couldn´t analize it in other way.

He arrives to a place called "Ogre Street", a place that practically is a labyrinth, so rotten that everyone who lives in there is a bad guy, and then he is gonna meet an interesting character, but...

Let´s leave it over there for now, because what comes next is REALLY interesting, and, if you hadn´t read the manga or watched the series, the next part is... Bizarre... BUT not as bizarre as the remaining parts of this history.

Well, that would be everything; see you soon, I hope!


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