How to make cheese fingers of cheetos

Hi everyone, I hope you are well, I am Alo and today I'm going to show you a cooking recipe that you are probably going to love.
It is about cheese fingers of cheetos Flamin hot, so let's start.
 Ingredients you will need:
- 2 bowls
- 2 eggs
- Cheese fingers or simply, manchego cheese
- Flour
- Oil
- And the most important ingredient: 2 bags of flamin' hot cheetos

So, let's go with the process:

-First, you will need to pulverize the cheetos and put them in a bowl, you will put the flour in the other bowl.
- Mix the eggs
- Pass the cheese through the flour, after dipping in the egg and pass it through the cheetos, next, put a second layer of flour, egg and cheetos.
- Finally, fry the cheese fingers, and you are done!!
You will have a delicious snack!
