Dreams and how to take control of it Vol. 2

Hi my dear readers, i hope you´re fine!

Well, as promised here goes debt, as i told you on the part one of tis thread, i will tell you how you can take control of your dreams or have a lucid dream, whatever,is the same. Fine, i hope you enjoy it.

So, how to have a Lucid Dream? Well, there are many techniques, in my opinion the easiest is being in the dream and realize that you´re dreaming, that´s the only way i have been able to do it (ONE TIME), i realized it because i couldn´t believe that this was happening and i get so excited that i wake up. HAHA Faaail, at least i had the power of take control of my dream. 

1. To realize that you´re dreaming, first, you have to do a diary or a binnacle of dreams where yo are going to write all of those dream with a lot of detail, as good as you remember it. That way you force your mind to be more aware about your dreams and to remember the themes that are repeated. For example, you always are dreaming with a dog with a man face, and while you are writing it on the diary. your subconscious will know that it´s just a dream when it will see that again. Alright?

Also, the most you write your dreams is the most you will remember your dreams better. So, when you have a lucid dream and you wake up, you´re gonna remember it perfectly.

2. REALITY CHECKS. Do you know that the habits we have pass to our dreams? How curious!, the point is do reality checks habitually, many times of the day as we can and when the habit passes to your dream and you do a reality check you are going to realize that is a dream, that you´re in a dream! Just crazy. 

Do this many times at day as a reality check:
1. Ask yourself if you´re dreaming, no matter if you know you´re definitely not.
2. Look at a clock (in the dream is going to be distorted and you´ll know you´re in a dream).
3. Look at yourself in the mirror, you´ll look distorted.

3. .... HAHA, really did you believe i was going to give you all the instructions to have this kind of weird dream? Of course not my little friend, you must practice this, we´re going to move along step by step, i care about you, i don´t want you to have a bad experience with this. Well see you next weeknd for the next instructions. Remember, to keep safe in your home, wash your hands and use antibacterial gel please!

XOXO. Your curious writer, Liloxxxsaurus.
