Animals in Quarentine

Hi, how are you my favorite readers?

Today I´m here to write you about an interesting theme that I would like that you hear about and that personally for me is very interesting and I´m very impressed of what´s happening with our world and with our animals nowadays.

Coronavirus: las imágenes de cómo los animales se están tomando ...If you have noticed something interesting that´s happening is that the animals are going back to the streets and some places that we haven´t seen them before or well we have saw them but many years ago when industrialization didn’t exist, when we weren´t worrying just about ourselves  and the world wasn´t over populated.

Dónde vive el ajolote, especie de México en peligro de extinción Now a days we can´t enjoy of that wonders but this pandemic is giving us the gift to appreciate more that animals that we haven´t seen in years and to think that if we want to see them more frequently we have to do changes, we have to improve our ways of living, because when this stuff ends and we go out again we have to focused on what we are making bad and start being better humans.

So please after all of this pass away, please try to do your best and make conscience of what things you can do to take care of our world, we can do this if we put a part of us.

Well so good bye and see you next time.

