Quarantine Log Day 1 - Strange creatures

This is the year 2020. Today is April 20th. I am still alive.

Not my actual Wi-Fi
I was going a little crazy after all this time locked at home. I have many things to do, I just didn't want to do any of those things... but I'm going a little ahead. Let me start from the begining, the year is 2020 and this is the year that will be known as the year everybody stayed home... or maybe as "The year everybody was SUPPOSED to stay home"

There is this new virus that some people believe was created by Doctor Otto Octavious at Wayne Industries over Raccoon City... or something like that. The point is that it is dangerous to be outside. This is not only for me, but for my loved ones. It is my responsibility to stop the spread of the virus, so while I stay at home, issolated from society (I mean, I have internet but still...) I find myself locked with no chance to go outside. No UberEats here in my town and I am hungry all the time!

Representation of "students" creatures
Today I feel less stressed and more motivated. I saw other creatures. I had the opportunity to interact with smaller and less intelligent creatures than me. They call themselves "students".
Our interaction was brief and at a very early time in the morning. I don't usually wake up this early but I'm glad I did.

Strange bird "Reff E. Gerator"
After my encounter with these creatures I needed to start hunting my breakfast. Luckily there this stange bird that lives in my kitchen. I'm suspecting it is a kind of phoenix because everyday I open its stomach and remove the eggs not yet laid and the bird does not die. I can see that the bird eats a great variaty of things because inside its stomach I often find ham, milk boxes, vegetables and for a strange reason, its stomach emites a light everytime I open it.

Reff E. Gerator's brain
I must confess that this strange bird is quite convenient, I think once I heard one of the locals call it "Reff E. Gerator" I didn't know this bird had such a weird name. Another thing that I have learned about this bird is that its brain is delicious. If you open its head the same way you open its stomach no light comes out but rather a cold wind; if you reach inside you can find its brain inside the skull that helps mantain it in shape. Some people say that the skull of these birds contains simbols that could even look like words... but that is impossible.

I have to stop writing now. I hear a creature shouting "Who's eating my 'eyes-creamed'?!" I don't know what these 'eyes-creamed' are but I better hide. I'll report on the creature later.

Professor Eddy I. T. Hamilton

