How yo make a lemon pie

How to make a lemon pie

Hello friends today I am going to teach you how to make a delicious lemon pie.

These are the materials:

-Can of Carnation Milk
-Milk can "La lechera"
-Lemons (the necessary ones so that it tastes like lemon)
-Bags of Maria cookies (it will depend on the size of your bowl)


1. First in the blender you have to mix the carnation milk and the "lechera", with the necessary lemon, it has to taste justo like lemon.
2. Blend until the mixture is thick.
3. Once the mixture is ready, you have to put a cape of it in your bowl
4. On top of the mixture you put in the bowl, you should put a cape of maria cookies, and so on until the entire bowl is covered, or until the mixture is finished.
5. After that, you have to puto in your fridge for at least 5 hours, ir when the cookies are squishy.

Thanks for your attention, see you next week.
