Dreams and how to take control of it Pt. 1

Well, this quarantine i want to write about some interest situations, stories or strange topics. This time let me introduce to you this story thread about Dreams and how you can control it, i know it will take away your boredom, i hope you like it.

Dreams are basically messages coming from your subconscious and have meaning. There are people who dream about things that happen after, people who dream about their loved ones who have already died, or they said to them that they will die, and then it happens. Even there are people who says that dreams are basically alternate realities or another dimensions to which your spirit access while your body is sleeping and relaxed, nobody knows.

When we are sleeping, we don't realize that  we are dreaming that's why if we are having a nightmare or something so scare, we wake up crying or very very scared and then we feel alive when we realize that it was just a dream, only that. But being AWARE that you're dreaming, that you can control it. This is called having a LUCID DREAM, and as i said, you know that you are dreaming. And literally with a lot of practice you can do whatever you want in this, fly, fight or hit someone you don´t like, idk, whatever you wanna do, you can control everything of this dream. 

Book cover "Dream and how to control it" from León d'Hervey de Saint-Denys (1867) and there are too buddhist texts from the seven century that talk about this. This is something that has been known for a long time. If you wanna know how to take control of your dreams you must read the second part of this thread the next week. Keep safe in your house and continue amazing you with the big mysterious of the life and other dimensions.

See you next weekend, my dear mysterious reader.

Your favorite curious writer, Liloxxsaurus.
