Covid-19 and some of it consequenses.

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Today I´ll talk you about a situation that all of us are passing by, the Covid-19 is a virus that is causing a lot of problems now a days, is a thing that´s affecting around the world causing a delay in humanity,because it´s stopping industries, education, goberments around the world and many other things, this virus also has taken and continues
taking a lot of lives or infecting a lot of people making them feel the worse  for half a month.

But a worse problem today is how this situation is affecting our mental health and I think that the most affected are our parents, tutors or person that are independent, that they have to work and look for them selves and take responsability if they have sons or some one older to care for, persons that have their own bussiness and that they can´t work because the quarentine, all that doubts that they start making like how they will take care of his or her family, what are they going to do?!! How are they trying to find a way to help their family? If our goVer las imágenes de origenverment isn´t even helping them, HOW?

Today my mom came home after work she was so worried about this how people is giving a s#&# about this problem, she had a problem in the eye, because all the pressure that has been generatig by worrying about all this situation, my mom has her own bussiness and she is thinking about closing it because all of this, the govermet has started to put a schedule to all the businesses, but she is worried beacuse she says that what is for a Schedule if dont start by controling the people and make them stay at home if it is not necesary that they go out.
We have told her that she has to stop working that first is our health, we have money and we are going to be good until this finishes.

But I would like that people starts understanding more how this is a big problem and that if we don´t start making that more realistic, tomorrow it will be a bigger problem.
So If you love your family take care of you to take care of them and don´t go out!


