Today i'm goig talk about scary things that happened in my week.
I'm living in the house of my aunt because my mom is in the hospital, i remember that i was a little kid i dont like this house because is very big and has many dark corridors.
In January of last year the husband of my aunt died,he  had problems with his heart but he wasn't buried, he was cremated and his ashes are in the house, in the  living room, next to de dining room and i thik that this is very chilling.
The room were i was sleeping has a door next to the living room so all the things that happen there i can listen.

The first day i was talking on the phone with my boy and i think that was like 3:00 am when i started to listen that somebody was on the kitchen (the room also has a door next to the kitchen) so i decided to saw but nobody was there.

The third day something similar happened i was talking on the phone but now was like 2:30 am but now i started to listen that somebody was crying on the dining room so i thought that was my cousin crying for her boyfriend like one night after, so i decided to go to the dining room to check if she was there but one more time nobody was there and the door was close ( you have to know that if somebody enter to this room the door makes a lot of noise and i didn't listen the door) i was very scarried so i want to check who was awake and i saw in  all the rooms and they where sleeping, i returned to my room and i continue listen noises but now i decided to stay in the bed and try to sleep.
I have the theory that can be the soul of my uncle because it's not recomend to have the ashes in the house. 


